Investment Strategies and Systems Tracked by


467 Tracked, Active Strategies Available to TimerTrac Subscribers.

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SignalDeveloperAsset ClassTracked Since
1g QMPQuantified Market Psychology (QMP)Index Funds12/18/2007 9:55:00 PM
1g QMP aggQuantified Market Psychology (QMP)Index Funds7/30/2018 11:11:00 PM
1g QMP CloneQuantified Market Psychology (QMP)Index Funds4/2/2020 3:38:00 PM
AbleChartingAbleChartingIndex Funds4/24/2020 10:34:00 PM
Acrux Capital Timing LeaderAcrux Capital - Timing LeaderIndex Funds9/23/2024 5:11:00 AM ATS1001AdaptiveTradingSystems.comIndex Funds12/27/2010 11:09:00 AM
AheadoftheTrend Strike ITAheadOfTheTrendEquity Index11/17/2024 9:42:00 PM
AheadOfTheTrend Strike-AAheadOfTheTrendEquity Index4/28/2020 10:02:00 PM
AheadOfTheTrend StrikeXAheadOfTheTrendEquity Index7/1/2020 11:07:00 PM
AheadOfTheTrend StrikeX-RAheadOfTheTrendEquity Index11/11/2020 9:00:00 AM
AlphaKing Trading IndicatorAlphaKing.comIndex Funds1/9/2007 5:09:00 PM
AlphaVol XIV LongAlphaVolVolatility5/16/2017 11:17:00 PM
Ambitus Alpha FusionAmbitus Capital - Alpha FusionEquity11/25/2023 8:18:00 PM
Benchmark SPX Leveraged StrategyBrian BenschEquity10/27/2018 11:00:00 PM
BifrostIce TOBBifrostIceIndex Funds1/27/2006 4:09:00 PM
BluStar Precious MetalsBluStar Market InsightsPrecious Metals8/3/2021 8:19:00 PM
BluStar Stock MarketBluStar Market InsightsEquity8/3/2021 8:23:00 PM
Bowpoint Capital Germany Duration ModelBowpoint CapitalBonds1/10/2014 12:29:00 AM
Bowpoint Capital Japan Duration ModelBowpoint CapitalBonds1/10/2014 12:30:00 AM
Bowpoint Capital UK Duration ModelBowpoint CapitalBonds1/10/2014 12:29:00 AM
Bowpoint Capital US Duration ModelBowpoint CapitalBonds1/10/2014 12:29:00 AM
Bowpoint Research US Duration (monthly)Bowpoint ResearchAsset Allocation1/27/2025 12:32:00 AM
Bowpoint Research US Duration (weekly)Bowpoint ResearchAsset Allocation1/27/2025 12:30:00 AM
Brian Deja SIGMA - Long/ShortBrian Deja Equity2/8/2018 9:23:00 PM
Brian Deja THETA - Market IndexBrian Deja Equity2/8/2018 9:23:00 PM
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